Moments to Celebrate!


As you plan your special day with us …

Susan our marriage preparation coordinator is happy to answer any questions you may have

Frequently Asked Questions

Marriage Preparation 2023 – 2024

Click the following links for  information on marrying at St Francis Xavier:

Take a Virtual tour of St. Francis Xavier Church (drag your mouse to move around the church)

Diocese of Helena    The Diocese of Helena Suitable Place for Outdoor Wedding

Questions regarding Family Ministry and Marriage Preparation please contact Erin Turner



We look forward to welcoming new members into our parish community!

Baptism Preparation for Infant/Child – Pre-Registration Is Required with Shai Hill  or Katy McKinnon  

 To schedule a date for your child’s Baptism please contact Katy!

First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation preparation is offered in the Fall each year. Second graders and above, who have been baptized Catholic, are invited to experience this sacrament in preparation for receiving their First Holy Communion. Please contact Shai Hill

 More information found in our 2024-2025 handbook 2024 Parent Handbook


First Reconciliation 2024

All Classes meet Sundays 9 am to 9:50 am in the Dave Thomas Room of the Loyola Center (1st room to the right as you enter the building on the cornor of Pine Street and Owen) Parents please see handbook for details.

Wednesday, September 4. 2024, 6-6:30 pm – Parent only meeting
Sunday, September 8, 2024, 9-9:50 am
Sunday, October 6, 2024, 9-9:50 am
Sunday, November 10, 2024, 9-9:50 am
Sunday, December 8th, 2024, 9-9:50 am
Monday, December 9th, 2024, 6:30 pm – First Reconciliation Service

The December 9th First Reconciliation Service will be held in the church. Please arrive early so that we may begin on time. We will hold a short prayer service and then receive instructions on how to proceed. This Reconciliation service is just for the children to receive the sacrament for the first time.

This is a wonderful opportunity to make this a special evening for your child. We invite close friends and family to come support your child by praying for them in a quiet and reverent way during the service. We encourage you to celebrate with your child and any guests afterwards in a way that your family sees fit!

First Holy Communion 2025


All meetings/classes to take place in the Dave Thomas Room in the Loyola building (white building closest to the hospital)

Sunday, January 12, 2025, 9-9:50 am
Sunday, February 9, 2025, 9-9:50 am
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 9-9:50 am
Sunday, April 13, 2025, 9-9:50 am
Sunday, April 27, 2025, 1:00 pm – First Communion Mass

Things to know about the First Communion Mass:

Please arrive early to find your families designated pew, marked with your child’s name.

This is a celebratory milestone for your child! Family and friends welcome to come witness and pray for your child on this special day. Non-Catholic guests welcome to attend and come forward during communion with the their arms crossed to receive a blessing if they wish. We ask that all families and guests remember that this is Mass!

Dress Code:
There is no formal dress code, but children are encouraged to dress appropriately for the occasion! Girls are welcome (but not required) to wear the traditional white outfit with a veil, and for boys: dress pants/shirt or a suit, or nice pants and polo. Celebratory and appropriate is the goal!

Photo policy:
Please keep cell phones off or on silent during the Mass. Please refrain from taking photos/videos during Mass. We will have photographer there and will share the photos! There will also be opportunity to take photos before/after Mass and our priests are happy to pose with your child after Mass!

If you have a schedule conflict for April 27 th or wish for your child to receive First Communion at a different time, please reach out we will work with you.

If your child has a wheat or other food allergy related to the Eucharistic elements, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.


The Sacrament of Confirmation is offered to those baptized in the Catholic faith going into their junior or senior year of high school. There is a one year preparation process for confirmation beginning in the Fall.

Young Adults contact: Shai Hill

Adult Confirmation is offered in conjunction with our RCIA process. Please contact Fr. C. Hightower 

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

‘For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’
– Jeremiah 29:11

2024-2025 Schedule

Anyone interested in exploring becoming Catholic are warmly invited to attend our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Info Night on July 18, 2024 at 6:30 pm in Reidy Hall. Come, ask questions and listen as we share the RCIA journey which the church offers to all interested! This is ideal for those adults never baptized, baptized in another religion or for those who were baptized Catholic and never confirmed.

August – December 2024 Schedule

January – April 2025 Schedule

Becoming Catholic (RCIA) & Adult Confirmation Preparation

When: Monthly Community Gatherings, variable times & activities

What: A facilitated spiritual journey, with individual, small group and large group components, where the whole parish acts as companion and guide to adults who wish to join the Catholic faith and deepen their relationship with Jesus through the sacraments: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.

Contact:  Shai Hill


Religious Life / Ordained Ministries

If you are contemplating a vocation feel free to speak with our of our priests. Additionally more information maybe found through our links for both Diocesan as well as Jesuit Vocations